Luggage Pile Up

by Sylvia Goldkranz
Luggage Pile Up
Sylvia Goldkranz
Photograph - Photograph
Three old vintage style luggage packed and ready to go on a road trip !!
December 18th, 2021
Comments (42)

Sylvia Goldkranz
Thank you Nader for the feature of my image in FAA group Fine Art Explorative Photography !!

Toni Hopper
Gosh, I love this one too! My mom had these luggage cases and gave me one, but I have no idea where it went during our years of moving around!

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your fantastic photographic art has been chosen as a Camera Art Group feature! You are invited to archive your work in the feature archive discussion. There are many other discussions in the group where you can promote your art even further more.

Sylvia Goldkranz
Thank you Bob for the feature of my image in FAA group Your Very Best Photography !!

Sylvia Goldkranz
Thank you Karen for the feature of my image in FAA group Lady Photographers and Artists !!

Sylvia Goldkranz
Thank you Nina for the feature of my image in FAA group Art-- It is good for you !!

Sylvia Goldkranz
Thank you Dora for the feature of my image in FAA group Classic Still Life Artwork !!